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The end of the Chicago shoot September 2nd, 2007

… and there is no bet­ter way to mark it than with a dented, busted up Lam­borgh­ini. A Mur­cielago (which trans­lates to Bat) to be precise.

Pic­tures thanks to rory_bat; he is now head­ing back to the East Coast, whilst Batman’s film­ing sched­ule takes them to Eng­land. Film­ing is set to con­tinue until November.

Want to know how that car ended up in the mess it did? Read the rest of this entry »

August 30th and Bruce Wayne’s Lamborghini August 31st, 2007

After the big explo­sion, lit­tle else can impress us now, how­ever film­ing con­tin­ued for at least one more day in Chicago, with Bruce Wayne’s Lam­borgh­ini being spot­ted kit­ted up and dri­ving around. Two sets of pic­tures are out there, the first comes via draperyfalls,

Sec­ondly, chgo­jobs had this pull right out in front of him:

He car­ried on to fol­low the action and cap­tured this video:

Also, CNN have a new explo­sive video.

The Dark Knight Explosion Part 2 August 30th, 2007

Lots of footage and reports from the scene, I thought I would pro­vide a sec­ond post with some alter­nate angles and stun­ning photography.

Firstly, City Eyes has cap­tured some beau­ti­ful shots of the explosion:

Dark Knight Explosion

The Dark Knight Implosion

Dark Knight Building Demolition

Check out more of his pho­tog­ra­phy at either his blog or his flickr gallery. (Pre demo­li­tion pic­tures)

And here is another video from the ground:

The Brach Candy Factory Explosion August 29th, 2007

Animated GIF of Explosion

And another ver­sion here. Filmed from the Air­Fox heli­copter. The Chicago Tri­bune has a video from an alter­na­tive angle, this time with sound.

Close-up Memorial and Aug 26th Pictures and Video August 29th, 2007

Rory_bat has returned from this week­ends Dark Knight film­ing fiasco and with him he has brought treats aplenty. We have 44 shots includ­ing close up pho­tog­ra­phy of Gary Old­man being directed, the memo­r­ial podium, gun­men on the roof, Gotham PD sleep­ing on the job and a horse’s backside.

In full motion video we have a scene cap­tured from the memo­r­ial ser­vice, it’s con­tents can be con­sid­ered a spoiler,

We also have a video that shows Gary Old­man prepar­ing for a scene on The Dark Knight set,

August 26th Report and More Memorial August 27th, 2007

First up, Knightwing10-43 has kindly sent us a set of images from Sunday’s Dark Knight shoot­ing sched­ule along with a tasty video,

Here are pic­tures of film­ing today (8/26/07) which include Christo­pher Nolan with Gary Old­man in a Ford Excur­sion on a trailer under the “L” tracks on Wells Street, a video of the SUV with them film­ing, the stage used in the memo­r­ial (empty unfor­tu­nately), and a GTA sign (Gotham Tran­sit Authority).

Sec­ondly, thanks to Mel­rose Park Patti, we have some high qual­ity pic­tures from the Memo­r­ial service:

Details of the Demolition August 27th, 2007

After the break check out a fas­ci­nat­ing gallery of the Chicago Brach’s build­ing donned up as a par­tic­u­larly impor­tant struc­ture. Find­ing out what this building’s pur­pose is will be a major spoiler, so find the pic­tures after the break.

Read the rest of this entry »

More from the Memorial August 26th, 2007

We’ve recently been drawn to this impres­sive post at the Super­Hero­Hype forums by ChicageauxTiger:

This was the gen­eral scene of the shoot:

Con­tinue read­ing for the spoil­ers. Read the rest of this entry »

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