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Pictures from the Memorial August 26th, 2007

This shoot­ing event was a big occa­sion, and as expected, a lot of peo­ple were there to take pic­tures. Yippee. One of the best col­lec­tions of pic­tures of The Dark Knight Memo­r­ial ser­vice comes from flickr user kedziers in his Gotham City set.

Here are a few select and super high res­o­lu­tion (2mb each) pic­tures pro­vided under the Cre­ative Com­mons license that I have picked out, fol­lowed by the tra­di­tional flickr slide-show gallery:

Our sec­ond set comes from tiffanyjbt. Here we can see Chris­t­ian Bale, as Bruce Wayne, rid­ing a Ducati:

A third col­lec­tion comes from nailtechnician’s efforts:

You can find even more here and we’ll prob­a­bly keep updat­ing this post with more and more links as they come in.

Let’s get some old videos in here too whilst I am at it — these show the street level fire and a heli­copter fly-by:

Dark Knight August 23rd Filming Report August 23rd, 2007

Rory_bat, from the Super­Hero­Hype forums has been on loca­tion recently for the lat­est TDK shoot,

He had this to say:

Alright, I am sure you guys already know where they were shoot­ing today: Berghoff’s (I think I spelled that right), some kind of old and classy restaurant/bar type. The crew had vehi­cles all on Adams and the adjoin­ing streets. The first time I walked by early on in the day they were shoot­ing inside. They had some screens up over the exte­rior and I could hear them yell “rolling”. I didn’t know who was inside at this point. Out­side there was a large bus that had “Cor­erc­tions” writ­ten on the side of it. It was a GPD bus, pre­sum­ably for haul­ing off pris­on­ers of a sort. There were also a few GPD extras milling around. I walked fur­ther down toward State St. and saw all kinds of GPD and Gotham cars wait­ing to be used. I fig­ured some exte­rior stuff would be hap­pen­ing later. I wasn’t wrong.

Around 2:30 or 3:00 I made my way back and sure enough, there was quite a bit of action. There was a whole crowd of extras dressed in suits, they seemed to be reporters or maybe just onlook­ers. In front of this crowd was a GPD offi­cer holdig a shot­gun (very cool). Some of the extras were pre­tend­ing to shiver..don’t for­gett the fall set­ting. It was amus­ing to watch. A bit fur­ther down in front of Berghoff’s was were the good stuff was hap­pen­ing. Nolan and co. were shoot­ing a scene where GPD and Lt. Gor­don escort Maroni and his goons into the cor­rec­tions bus, bust­ing them. I stood across the street and watched (tak­ing pics and got video of one whole take). Eric Roberts looked great as Maroni, cuffed and all. After each take they would wipe the sweat off of Old­man, Roberts and the extras, attempt­ing to keep the atmos­phere of Fall in place (cer­tainly tough with today’s weather).

Shots from the film­ing:

Upcoming Chicago Street Closures August 23rd, 2007

Hol­ly­wood­Chicago have posted up the lat­est set of street clo­sures as a result of The Dark Knight film­ing schedule:

“The Dark Knight” Street Clo­sures

Wednes­day, Aug. 22 (weather per­mit­ting)

2 to 4 p.m.
Heli­copter hov­er­ing at 515 N. McClurg Ct.
Inter­mit­tent traf­fic con­trol of Grand between Peshtigo and Colum­bus
Inter­mit­tent traf­fic con­trol of Peshtigo between Grand and Illinois

Thurs­day, Aug. 23
5 a.m. to 8 p.m. (no clo­sures; park­ing only)
Adams between Wabash and Dear­born
Wabash between Adams and Van Buren
Wabash between Adams and Mon­roe
Dear­born between Adams and Monroe

Thurs­day, Aug. 23
8 to 9 p.m.
Heli­copter over Chicago River
Traf­fic con­trol of Lake Shore and Colum­bus Street bridges
Traf­fic con­trol of Wacker between Michi­gan and Columbus

Fri­day, Aug. 25
5 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Full clo­sure of LaSalle Street between Jack­son and Adams
Full clo­sure of Quincy between LaSalle and Clark
Park­ing: Wells between Jack­son and Monroe

Fri­day, Aug. 25 (weather per­mit­ting)
9 to 11 p.m.
Heli­copter hov­er­ing at 515 N. McClurg Ct.
Inter­mit­tent traf­fic con­trol of Grand between Peshtigo and Colum­bus
Inter­mit­tent traf­fic con­trol of Peshtigo between Grand and Illi­nois
(Sat­ur­day and Sun­day as alter­nate dates)

Sat­ur­day, Aug. 25 and Sun­day, Aug. 26
5 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Full clo­sure of LaSalle between Jack­son and Madi­son
Full clo­sure of Jack­son between LaSalle and Clark
Full clo­sure of Adams between LaSalle and Clark
Full clo­sure of Mon­roe between LaSalle and Clark

And to sparkle this post with pic­tures, thanks to Sarah Lewert’s flickr:

Report from TDK’s August 19th Shoot August 20th, 2007

This has just come in from Brett,

It was around 8:50 am Sun­day 8/19 on the cor­ner of west Mon­roe street and south Canal street. Block away from Union Sta­tion. Looked to be round 30 extras. Never did see any lead char­ac­ters. The secu­rity exclaimed “pic­tures up,” and the extras began to walk around as ran­dom peo­ple on the street. I think they were film­ing inside the build­ing or just on the cor­ner. Not sure what build­ing it is. Any­way, the peo­ple were just walk­ing around then I heard two gun­shots and extras began to run every­where. What’s more is I did hear a loud sin­is­ter laugh, which was with­out a doubt in my mind, the Joker ala Heath Ledger.

And these are the pic­tures:

Rory was also on the scene to cap­ture some GCN images in the pour­ing rain.

Alright, so I went back down to the set in the pour­ing rain and got some pics. Due to the rain they stopped shoot­ing so all of the extras were sit­ting around the lobby of the build­ing… which is now the GCN, which I am guess­ing is “Gotham City News” or “Gotham Cable News” (though I favor the first). I was able to walk right up the build­ing and started tak­ing pho­tos. There were a lot of PA’s and Extras around but they didn’t seem to mind me too much. I got some courage and walked right into the lobby. Inside it was dressed as a TV sta­tion with GCN and tv screens all over the place. I didn’t stay too long and didn’t snap any pics for fear of being caught. It was cool to see though. Also saw the offi­cial set pho­tog­ra­pher who looked a bit bummed…maybe because of the pic leak.

August 17th Shoot Part Deux August 19th, 2007

A few more pic­ture gal­leries have emerged overnight, show­ing more of Bruce Wayne’s car and a lit­tle bit of Gary Old­man to boot.

This first set is from Gold­moon:

And a sec­ond set from Spin­naker:

In other news, I have just added Flickr embed­ding sup­port to the forums, amongst other things.

Batman’s Flat Out August 18th, 2007

Whilst every­one is pre-occupied with those nefar­i­ous leaked Dark Knight stills, we’ll con­tinue to bring you the scoops from the street level. This time it comes via Flickr user Lego Dreams. Today we see our caped cru­sader flat out on his back prepar­ing for an upcom­ing stunt.

And the rest of the pic­tures can be seen through this sexy slideshow embed. Includ­ing more on set shots of vehi­cles, the stunt and our Dark Knight on the floor:

And Chicago­Trav­eler has a cou­ple more from the same scene.

After the break, see the more spoiler filled pictures.

Read the rest of this entry »

Reports from the August 12th Shoot August 16th, 2007

It seems like Nolan and his team have been at it once again in down town Chicago, although this time with a notable addi­tion — Chris­t­ian Bale has at long last been spot­ted on set. These pic­tures and set reports are all from the August 12th shoot. To out­line the events we have, via X-realms, El Eshoo’s report — to start with:

I had a chance to watch/gawk at some film­ing of Bat­man (Sun­day, Aug 12th) at the 330 North Wabash Build­ing. They had sev­eral dif­fer­ent vehi­cles out there (Gotham Police Dept, Gotham News Vans, Mil­i­tary vehi­cles, Bomb Squad truck, etc.) which was cool to see. But I’d say the best of all: I was lucky enough to be 10 feet from Christo­pher Nolan, Aaron Eck­hart and Mr. Bruce Wayne him­self … Chris­t­ian Bale! They were film­ing some “Press Con­fer­ence” stuff in the lobby of 330 ear­lier in the day, broke for lunch around 1:00-ish and then filmed some more “Press Con­fer­ence” stuff.

Then they brought in some Army-type guys along with cam­ou­flaged Hum­mers and Trucks with machine-gunners to shoot some Heli­copter fly-bys. They closed down a SHITLOAD of areas for this (police stop­ping traf­fic from Michi­gan Ave to LaSalle), not allow­ing any­one in the area (no foot traf­fic aloud dur­ing fly-bys down Chicago River towards lake) and were even heav­ier on the NO PICTURES crap. The chop­pers came pretty low as they passed over the court­yard out­side of 330 North Wabash where mil­i­tary and Gotham press peo­ple were all around. Cam­eras on the ground were film­ing the fly-bys.

Mr. Eshoo was able to take a fair few pic­tures in his time amongst Rory’s First Kiss:

TDK Press Conference - Empty


Choppers Coming In


Gotham City News and Media Vans

For more of these shots check out the X-realms report. Next up, Sterno74 man­aged to cap­ture a fan­tas­tic high res­o­lu­tion shot of the fake National Guard fly overs, click the image for large or check out his flickr pro­file.

Mean­while rolandin has got some very nice high res­o­lu­tion pho­tos of the sta­tion­ary Bat­pod. Or some more heli­copters via gtrietsc’s flickr gallery.

And last, but cer­tainly not least, a fel­low by the name of Spanish39 was on loca­tion to snatch a few more images, this time of the infa­mous Chris­t­ian Bale as Bruce Wayne — here he is with Christo­pher Nolan:


Next Filming Location & Joker Semi August 7th, 2007

Mary Jane has sent in this tid­bit of news for us,

Begin­ning Sat­ur­day, August 11 and con­tin­u­ing through Sat­ur­day, August 18, prepa­ra­tions for and film­ing of a fea­ture film cur­rently dis­guised as “Rory’s First Kiss” is sched­uled at 330 North Wabash. The film­ing takes place in the lobby, thir­teenth and third floors as well as the exte­rior south plaza. The actual film­ing dates are: Sun­day, August 12 in the lobby (south­west side), Wednes­day and Thurs­day, August 15 and 16 on the 13th floor, and Fri­day and Sat­ur­day, August 17 and 18 on the 3rd floor and exterior.

Next up, after the break, check out the image of the Joker Semi that Eric sent us and some Har­vey Dent spoil­ers… Read the rest of this entry »

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