Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Exclusive Video and Images from TDK Set August 2nd, 2007

These were sent into us in the early hours of this morn­ing, thanks to Knightwing10-43, he has trav­elled to each of the film­ing loca­tions. Let us show you the pic­tures of the Bat­mo­bile before you watch the videos:

The first video shows a close-up of The Dark Knight’s Bat­mo­bile, as it is loaded onto its trailer:

Sec­ondly we have a brief clip of the events from Wacker Drive:

And thirdly, two great videos show­ing the Bat­pod in high speed action with the wind bel­low­ing in Batman’s cloak (they are slightly different):

Let’s throw some more media into the mix, Freak Comics have a nice set of images show­ing that one par­tic­u­larly inter­est­ing burnt out vehi­cle, of which Todd Burbo has some more, whilst twobitme has some pic­tures of an entirely dif­fer­ent bashed up vehi­cle.