Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Details of the Demolition August 27th, 2007

After the break check out a fas­ci­nat­ing gallery of the Chicago Brach’s build­ing donned up as a par­tic­u­larly impor­tant struc­ture. Find­ing out what this building’s pur­pose is will be a major spoiler, so find the pic­tures after the break.

First some pic­tures of Gotham Gen­eral Hos­pi­tal from Mel­rose Park Patti,

Next, these images come exclu­sively from City Eyes:

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Kyle August 27th, 2007

Thanks a ton for the link! I’ll be attend­ing the demo­li­tion if I can get the date all fig­ured out (I hear it’s on Thurs­day at 10:30 AM). I’ll post the pic­tures the sec­ond I get back.

Carey Hall August 28th, 2007

Does any­one have pics of Fri­days shoot with Aaron Eck­hart on Quincy and LaSalle streets? It would have been around 3p.m. to about 6p.m. I was a uni­formed cop (extra).The one on the squad car PA.