After the break check out a fascinating gallery of the Chicago Brach’s building donned up as a particularly important structure. Finding out what this building’s purpose is will be a major spoiler, so find the pictures after the break.
First some pictures of Gotham General Hospital from Melrose Park Patti,

Next, these images come exclusively from City Eyes:
Comments No Responses to “Details of the Demolition”
Thanks a ton for the link! I’ll be attending the demolition if I can get the date all figured out (I hear it’s on Thursday at 10:30 AM). I’ll post the pictures the second I get back.
Does anyone have pics of Fridays shoot with Aaron Eckhart on Quincy and LaSalle streets? It would have been around 3p.m. to about 6p.m. I was a uniformed cop (extra).The one on the squad car PA.