Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

The Scarecrow Returns June 21st, 2007

This is the big Bat­man news story of the day, Cil­lian Mur­phy has been spot­ted on the set of The Dark Knight, as the Scare­crow. There’s some footage online over at YouTube, which pretty much gives away the scene and hence has some spoil­ers. Noth­ing too supris­ing in the video so I advise just wait­ing for the movie, if you can. Super­Hero­Hype has the full story from bud­ding Paparazzi ‘type­orocks’. Here’s one of the shots:

And here’s the infa­mous Bat Sig­nal, the best can­did shot we’ve seen yet, as snapped by Jeremy Farmer:

Bat Signal