Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

More ‘bulging’ bat suit from Chicago June 18th, 2007

The spy cam­eras, cell phone shots and Chris­t­ian Bale voyeurisms con­tinue to pour in. This time Sarah Piper Brown snapped these shots with her phone on June 16th at a Chicago set.

Bat suit candid

Bat suit back candid

The nov­elty and inter­est in shots like these will soon dis­si­pate so I shall not be post­ing all of the candid-back-alley pic­tures or videos received, I feel it may be dam­ag­ing towards the integrity of the film and will inevitably be incred­i­bly spoi­lerific.

Comments 4 Responses to “More ‘bulging’ bat suit from Chicago”

eddie. June 22nd, 2007

Is that the new suit? Man, he looks fat and sloppy (the top pic)…

rainier July 19th, 2007

i THINK that the cos­tume looks bet­ter than before…also take into con­sird­er­a­tion that it was a still pic­ture in a cell phone camera…I bet on screen move­ment it looks great! Espe­cially since bat­man can finally move his neck…

Slur­de­ple October 26th, 2008

Think about it… Do you have any sug­ges­tions about my intense kiss I have a nice fresh joke for you peo­ple) What geo­met­ric fig­ure rep­re­sents a lost par­rot? A polygon.

Abramovicl January 13th, 2009

Hi , i have some ques­tions about you desing
maybe you can give designer contacts?