Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

New Christian Bale pictures as Batman January 30th, 2008

And so the Dark Knight news con­tin­ues in absence of Heath Ledger, that melan­choly feel­ing con­tin­ues to linger. It is going to be a lit­tle weird in these next few months, as pro­mo­tion gears up again and we get more viral mar­ket­ing cam­paigns — prob­a­bly with the same Joker stance.

Com­ing Soon have posted three new shots of Bat­man in an assort­ment of poses:

Batman on police car

A pos­si­ble new poster here, looks a lit­tle green and fake but that may just be the qual­ity of the image itself. I pre­fer the other posters that we have seen.

Bruce Wayne aside the new Bat-suit (every­thing always has to be new and improved!)

Comments No Responses to “New Christian Bale pictures as Batman”

daniel c February 3rd, 2008

I love these pic­tures. They are like lit­tle exerts from the way Bat­man must live. I loved the first movie and can’t wait for the sec­ond one. That is why I focused my site on the sequel.

hec­tor February 4th, 2008

is it just me or can u see eyes in the back­ground in the clouds? (two-face?!?!) or am i goin insane?

Owen Slaugh­ter February 6th, 2008

I can’t wait for this movie to come out. IT seems that it takes an even darker turn than in the last movie and that is what bat­man is all about, the darkness.