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Body By Milk has added a new “got milk?” ad, with Batman sporting the ‘stache. Check out their website for details on a contest whereby you can be inserted in to an actual Batman comic. There’s also a nice widget, as well as a wallpaper and buddy icon of the ad.
And here is the ad:

And so the Dark Knight news continues in absence of Heath Ledger, that melancholy feeling continues to linger. It is going to be a little weird in these next few months, as promotion gears up again and we get more viral marketing campaigns — probably with the same Joker stance.
Coming Soon have posted three new shots of Batman in an assortment of poses:

A possible new poster here, looks a little green and fake but that may just be the quality of the image itself. I prefer the other posters that we have seen.

Bruce Wayne aside the new Bat-suit (everything always has to be new and improved!)

These three promotional shots (one of which we have seen before, but clouded with cover page texts) come via Comics2Film. I particularly love the last image, which at first glance appears to be unrelated, until you notice the mask.

We all like to see high resolution pictures, today I have two of them for you. The first is a whopping 300dpi 100mb version of the teaser poster. To illustrate the detail of a picture like this, here’s a fully sized extract:

The more astute will have noticed a link to this file on Why So Serious. It appears to the bottom right of the normal sized picture:
(beware, 100mb download may take a while!)
If this link suffers under the traffic, etc, here is a handy mirror site: Alternate Download
Next up we have the medium-to-high resolution version of that Empire magazine cover thanks to David:

Along with Empire, Wizard have a super hero themed issue which dons a glorious front cover picture of Heath Ledger as The Joker:
Click to em’biggen.

The Empire article itself also contains a new Batman picture of Bruce Wayne admiring the new bat-suit. For those interested in reading the article, but are unable to purchase a copy of the British publication, a typed out version can be found on SHH, Empire Article. This is an extract from the Empire interview with Chris Nolan:
“The way Batman Begins ended was intended not so much as sequel bait,” Nolan insists, “but to create a level of excitement at the end of the movie. Ultimately, the sequel happened because we got caught up in that process of imagining how you would see the Joker go through the prism of what we did in the first film.”
And how is the Joker seen through that prism? “Indescribable, really, Not to sound evasive — it actually is quite difficult to explain, but all I can really say is Heath’s not doing any particular thing, he’s inhabiting the character in very much the way I’d hoped from a psychological perspective. He really created something that I think is going to be quite terrifying.”

The Empire magazine, with its soon to be Joker world exclusive, now has its cover online for the world to see:
A higher resolution, gradually revealed version of this picture is on show at He Is Coming.
It doesn’t take much to guess who’s socks these are. Empire Online are currently running some hype of their own, gradually revealing, card by card, a picture of The Joker under the title “He is coming… All will be revealed”.

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