Wow, just noticed I hadn’t posted these. Here are a couple of nice n’large Joker pictures for you to get your teeth into. The first one makes a great wallpaper.
High Res
Some High Resolution Joker Images August 3rd, 2008
High Resolution Dark Knight Movie Stills June 26th, 2008
SHH have posted more High Resolution Dark Knight movie stills, here are a selection of high quality images we haven’t seen before including Batman and Jim Gordon:

Amazing set of 40 high resolution images May 10th, 2008
/Film just got an exclusive package of 40 high resolution images sent their way by reader KillingJoke — 30mb of them. These include lots of Aaron Eckhart, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Christian Bale, Morgan Freeman, Heath Ledger and Chris Nolan close-ups. What’s most interesting are the pictures that show the filming of The Dark Knight.
This set appears to be for press usage, most likely for the plethora of press articles we will be seeing in the coming months. Some of the shots we have seen before, but maybe not at this resolution. No real spoilers in these shots either:
Sorry folks.
High Resolution Shots & Two Face Image May 4th, 2008
Here are an incredibly fine selection of high-resolution, in-focus images from the most recent Dark Knight trailer. They feature close ups of The Joker, Batman, Bruce Wayne, Harvey Dent and Rachel Dawes and most importantly — that quick glimpse of Two-Face! They are all at the resolution of 1920x817 pixels — perfect for a widescreen wallpaper. The Two Face image is the very last one (and a smaller version is included after the break — hidden to save on spoilers!)
You may also be interested in our first round of images, from the previous trailer.

New Batpod shots from ShoWest March 12th, 2008
ComingSoon have posted some high resolution photos of The Dark Knight’s Batpod, from the ShoWest Las Vegas convention:

Let’s Put a Smile on That Face December 17th, 2007
High Resolution Screenshots from The Dark Knight Trailer
Just for you (especially those that can’t play HD video on their machines) we have some wonderful high resolution screenshots from the trailer that was officially released yesterday. I highly recommend looking at the Joker images, they are quite fantastic.

High Resolution Dark Knight Poster and Joker December 5th, 2007
We all like to see high resolution pictures, today I have two of them for you. The first is a whopping 300dpi 100mb version of the teaser poster. To illustrate the detail of a picture like this, here’s a fully sized extract:
The more astute will have noticed a link to this file on Why So Serious. It appears to the bottom right of the normal sized picture:
Download 100mb poster image
(beware, 100mb download may take a while!)
If this link suffers under the traffic, etc, here is a handy mirror site: Alternate Download
Next up we have the medium-to-high resolution version of that Empire magazine cover thanks to David:
Download (only 420kb this time)
High Resolution Batpod Images June 19th, 2007
As expected, what with the release of a high resolution batsuit picture, we can get some juicy up close pictures of the infamous bat-cycle monster. Click the images for the full high resolution versions, each is about 1mb in size. Enjoy.
And here’s an ALL NEW image from The Slug: