Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

New Dark Knight Image — The Batpod December 11th, 2007

Warner Broth­ers have today released a slew of pro­mo­tional images for a num­ber of their upcom­ing films. Two of these were Dark Knight related, the first is Bat­man atop the Bat-pod. The sec­ond was that shot of the Joker which donned the front cover of the recent Empire mag­a­zine. Now in high res­o­lu­tion with­out the “Empire” text.

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Tony December 14th, 2007

Gotta love Bat­man dri­ving by Jos A Bank. I won­der if he picked up a new suit while he was there? (come on now, that’s funny stuff. I don’t care who you are)

Sammy July 22nd, 2008

awe­some pic­ture and movies, would you please send me more pic­ture about it.

R, JOs­A­Bank asst Manager August 9th, 2008

Actu­ally, there were an awful lot of cloth­ing items rep­re­sented by JOs A Bank in TDK. I wouldn’t be sur­prised if this was another attempt for the com­pany to push its image around hollywood.