Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Free Pizza at Gotham City Pizzeria! June 16th, 2008

UPDATE: Puz­zle solved, forum found

Gotham City Pizze­ria has updated for its 16th June spe­cial pro­mo­tion. There is now a map of the US with loca­tions marked out in green and red — green means that there are free piz­zas to be grabbed, red means they’ve all been taken. The “order your free pizza” link takes you to a domi­nos page with a store loca­tor. 245 piz­zas avail­able in total!

Chat here as the game unfolds

The Site

Gotham City Pizzeria - Free Pizza

The Pizza boxes

The Pack­ages

Pic­tures thanks to CerealKiller:

The Letter involving Citizens for Batman

The author­i­ties are after us, so we had to be a lit­tle secre­tive about our hide-out. Here is a lit­tle some­thing to point you in the right direction:


You need to share this infor­ma­tion with other con­cerned Gotham cit­i­zens like your­self. I’m sure you can fig­ure out how.

When you put the pieces together, join us — and help us fight back against the ene­mies of Gotham City.

Never give up,


Pic­ture thanks to Pennyworth

This pack­age comes with a dif­fer­ent let­ter and a username.

Words so far

/euderma — This is a species of bat


User­names so far

nyc­ti­ceius — species of bat

Pass­words so far


This URL leads to a blank page: http://​www​.cit​i​zens​for​bat​man​.org/​m​i​d​n​i​g​ht/. Maybe it will have con­tent at midnight?

With guess work I have built up the sec­ond part of the URL by going through var­i­ous species of bat, I hit lucky with Nyc­talus. Then, alter­nat­ing species and nor­mal words I have got this far:


Comments No Responses to “Free Pizza at Gotham City Pizzeria!”

tyler June 16th, 2008

This sucks. I live in the Washon­g­ton and yet it’s not avail­ble here.

tim June 16th, 2008

myotis.…that’s a species of bat.

I should head out right now and get my free pizza!

Travis June 16th, 2008

I got my free pizza in Indi­ana, I didn’t get a pack­age though. I want to know if they fucked up, or if there’s a smaller num­ber of packages.

Any­one else in my boat?

tim June 16th, 2008

I didn’t get a free pizza. My Domi­nos said that the Gotham City Pizza is $10 and that’s it, no pack­age. I just bought the box for 57 cents.

meeper­oon June 16th, 2008

Looks like some of the domi­nos pizza employess are not play­ing the games prop­erly.… boo them.

I wish i was in the usa for this. I live in poopy eng­land where they never have this much fun for a movie.

mega­geof June 17th, 2008

i live in Wash­ing­ton and got one of the 15, i got mask and pizza but no spe­cial box. domino’s employee hung up on me when i called!