The long rumored, new Dark Knight trailer was aired at the New York Comic-con yesterday, and it is expected to arrive at your local theater in the next couple of weeks — when the internet gets it is anyone’s guess, though I imagine we’ll get a grainy bootleg shortly before a high-definition download-able version.
MTV have provided a trustworthy description of the trailer if you can’t take the wait,
— After a breathtaking shot of Batman perched high above Gotham, a voiceover from Heath Ledger’s Joker asks “Where do we begin?” Batman glides through the city.
- “Kill the Batman,” the Joker states to an adjoined meeting of mob bosses, before an explosion is shown and the subsequent showing of a Joker card. This seemingly gels with the suspicion that the Joker is controlling the mob through ransom (after robbing the mob-run bank in the IMAX preview).
- After several shots of Harvey Dent in District Attorney mode, we finally get everyone together as the Joker invades a fancy bash with Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale), Alfred (Michael Caine), Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart) and Rachel Dawes (Maggie Gyllenhaal). Sadly, the scene wasn’t topped off by the Penguin crashing through the floor on a giant duck.
- “The dawn is coming” says Dent in a voiceover.
- The Joker mutters “Here we go” before walking down a city street blowing stuff up in one particularly awesome scene.
- In one of the most foreboding moments of the trailer, Dent emphatically states “You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.” Harvey Dent, of course, backwardly referencing his future transformation into super-villain “Two-Face.”
- Our eyes may have been playing tricks on us, but it certainly looked like the Joker drops Dawes at some point. The length of said drop is uncertain.
IGN have also been there, taking pictures, with some spectacular Batman and Joker figures:

And Washington Square News got the low down on The Dark Knight Scarecrow action figure:

Comments 4 Responses to “New Dark Knight Trailer Debuts, Comic Con”
Trailer sounds sweet and that Scarecrow looks to be just the repackaged figure from the Batman Begins line. What I wanna see is the Scarecrow and Demon Batman that the Four Horsemen are working on for the 6-inch release.
I think the email that everyone got from Lt. Gordon probably has to do with the reveal of the new trailer.
There was this scene wherein a tank of gas spills on the floor then Harvey Dent is on the floor face down screaming, “NO!”
i saw the scene where joker is crashing the party and batman violently takes his thugs out cool!