All packages have been uncovered! Now time to head over to Acme Security Systems or continue following our coverage
As expected, The Clown Travel Agency viral puzzle has come online — this time they have gone international. By clicking on the manilla envelope (donned with the text “Proud Mother” in the bottom right) a sheet of locations is revealed — from Paris to Sao Paolo. At each of these locations is a package.
The text reads:
“Ready to have a ball?
A special bag of fun awaits the first to claim it. But you better strike fast, there’s no time to spare”
The message hints at the sport of Ten Pin Bowling, and this message from Alex at SHH confirms that:
I contacted the Tavistock Hotel, but I was too late, however they gave me some info on the package. Someone collected it and inside was a bowling ball, and a nifty smart mobile phone. On the ball was a mobile phone number etched on it. He rang the number apaprently and was told they now knew who he was and to await further instructions.
The folks over at SHH and Omelette have posted their pictures of the packages.

The note that came with it reads:
“Nice work, clown! Now call the number on the ball immediately, from this phone and THIS PHONE ONLY. Don’t give this number to anyone else, or I’ll know.
Hopefully, your cohorts will be in the same league as you, because once all your points are racked up, I’ll give you all something that will really bowl you over…”
A bowling ball, a joker card, a phone, a message and a bag for the lot.
Comments 6 Responses to “Clown Travel Agency — The Hunt is On”
[…] The game is online, click this link to follow it as it unfolds […]
do the stamps mean that the package have been claimed and what about the addresses w/o the stamps and the ones that are just listed as states & cities?
did anyone else notice that the number to call is completely visible on the 9th picture?
Big Shiny Robot has pictures and audio of the calls.…
Wow people are fast! I finally get to check the site and everything has been found.
Did u see the guy selling the phone he found on ebay for $20,000? What an idiot.
If i had the money id buy that wiht a heartbeat. Its worth so much more than that. Obviously this a**hole isnt a Batman fan.
Get outta Gotham u Bitch!!!