Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Mattel’s Dark Knight Toys Unveiled February 18th, 2008

We saw a glimpse of these a cou­ple of weeks ago, before the pic­tures were pulled from web­sites. Now Com­ing Soon are back with a full gallery of action fig­ures and play time auto-mobiles. Whilst there is one Joker hench­man fig­ure, there is a dis­tinct lack of Joker fig­ures, pos­si­bly to respect the mem­ory of Heath Ledger.

Mat­tel will be going whole hog with dozens of toys that start rolling out around May 1. There are maybe a dozen dif­fer­ent vari­a­tions of Bat­man in dif­fer­ent out­fits, includ­ing a “bat­tle cape,” “stealth wing” and “Fire­fly Bat­man” (pos­si­bly inspired by the comic book vil­lain). Notice­ably absent from the dis­play were any fig­ures for his new arch-nemesis the Joker, prob­a­bly out of respect for the fam­ily and friends of Heath Ledger, though we did get to see a few pic­tures. Mat­tel was even more secre­tive and care­ful about hav­ing any pic­tures of their fig­ure for Two-Face on dis­play, but one was listed in the mate­ri­als as part of the first wave of action fig­ures, as well as there being a new Scare­crow fig­ure, con­firm­ing his appear­ance in the sequel. Instead of any of these, they had a “Gotham City Thug,” one of the Joker’s clown-faced hench­men, on dis­play. Even more inter­est­ing were some of the vehi­cles on dis­play includ­ing a look at the Bat­copter and the Bat­pod, which is the new Bat­cy­cle, and some­thing called the “Treada­tor, Ulti­mate Pur­suit ATV” (that’s “all-terrain vehi­cle”), which we may have to wait and see if it’s actu­ally a vehi­cle from the movie. The new “Dark Knight” toys also include a Zipline Gun and a Disc Shoot­ing Jet, fairly typ­i­cal toys cus­tomized for the movie, but the most inter­est­ing new toy might be the “Inter­ac­tive Bat” which hope­fully, we’ll be able to see in action on Tuesday.

Comments 2 Responses to “Mattel’s Dark Knight Toys Unveiled”

alex February 19th, 2008

i think a Dark Knight joker action fig­ure would be awe­some… but i can under­stand Mat­tel for not show­ing it off. i won­der if they’ll even ever release it?

Bom­bardier ATV March 4th, 2010

Can I take my quad bike on the road? Quad bikes were orig­nially designed for off-road use only. They have spe­cial low pres­sure tyres which are not road legal. Most bikes have a fixed back axle, which makes them unsuit­able for cor­ner­ing on hard sur­faces. The fac­tory sup­plied light­ing kits do not con­form with the Road Traf­fic Act. From a com­fort and vehi­cle safety stand­point, the ATV must meet cer­tain vehi­cle har­monic require­ments. ATVs For Sale.