Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Gotham Times Out Now (and other viral sites) November 23rd, 2007

EDIT: The lat­est viral mar­ket­ing developments:

Betty’s House of Pies Stake­out — Live Audio Feed with Shootout and solu­tion to Why So Seri­ous Per­fect Getaway

Why So Seri­ous Per­fect Get­away and Threat­en­ing Audio Message

St Swith­uns Church with mar­riage and bap­tism cer­tifi­cates and Betty’s House of Pies

Orig­i­nal Article:

Head on over to www​.the​gotham​times​.com to read the news­pa­per arti­cles that we posted about yes­ter­day. You can also email the edi­tor of the paper with a “let­ter”, letterstotheeditor@​thegothamtimes.​com.

Gotham Times Secrets

Click­ing around on page 1 of the arti­cle reveals this lit­tle click­able secret left by The Joker:

Gotham Times Secret Joker

This leads you to the HA HA Time, www​.the​ha​ha​ha​times​.com, a mock­ery of the paper:

We are the Answer

The “We are the answer” (www​.wearethean​swer​.org) now shows a “Not autho­rised” page, the defacto Inter­net Explorer ver­sion… which I’m not sure I should see on Fire­fox. This hints that the page itself is man­u­fac­tured, per­haps just saved as the index.

The web­site is now up! It seems to be some sort of neigh­bor­hood watch scheme where civil­ians can report crimes in their area. You can also find these choice quotes from Gotham politi­cian Har­vey Dent:

“Pos­i­tive Feed­back makes for a Pos­i­tive City” — Har­vey Dent
“Help us make Gotham a bet­ter, safer and stronger city by help­ing us to stomp out cor­rup­tion” — Har­vey Dent

And from the Let­ters of Sup­port:

In a city where “busi­ness as usual” has meant con­tin­u­ing cor­rup­tion and scan­dal, Har­vey Dent is any­thing but usual. The assis­tant Dis­trict Attor­ney is shin­ing a light on a lot of dark cor­ners and expos­ing cor­rupt cops and city offi­cials. He’s mak­ing some ene­mies, but here at Action 3 News, we think he might be the best friend this city has had in many, many years.

–Wil­son Cor­ri­gan, Spot­light on City Hall, Action 3 News.

I was born in this city in 1925 and I’ve seen her go through the dark days of World War II and the bright days of the civil rights move­ment and the crazy days of the six­ties. But noth­ing seemed as bad as the last cou­ple of years. Bless Har­vey Dent. What we need is more peo­ple like him, instead of hav­ing to depend on a crazy man in a cos­tume to do what the police aren’t doing.

–T. John­son, let­ter to The Gotham Times


Dear Mr. Dent,

After all the things that have been hap­pen­ing, and espe­cially the Fear Toxin attack, I applied for a trans­fer with my com­pany. I felt that, despite the roots I have here—I grew up here and my par­ents live here—Gotham was not a place where my wife and I could raise our soon to be born son. I hated to move away. If peo­ple like me move away, soon all that would be left would be the poor and the des­per­ate. I with­drew that request for trans­fer today. You make me feel hope for this city. Your work gives me the courage to stay and fight for the city I love.

–Perry Licht­man

Other Viral Sites

Some new viral mar­ket­ing sites have also popped up, the first is one for Gotham’s National Bank found at www​.gotham​na​tion​al​bank​.com.

And Remem­ber­ing Gina, which can be found at www​.remem​ber​ing​gina​.org

Thirdly, there is a Gotham Police web­site located at www​.gotham​po​lice​.com.

And another one… this time its Gotham City Rail, www​.gotham​c​i​tyrail​.com, com­plete with a map of Gotham City, clearly show­ing the dam­age done dur­ing Bat­man Begins in the region of The Narrows.

Comments 30 Responses to “Gotham Times Out Now (and other viral sites)”

Serge­meis­ter November 23rd, 2007

This is the best mar­ket­ing cam­paign ever. ’nuff said.

Evan November 23rd, 2007

Hey, if you call the Gotham Times sub­scrip­tion num­ber at the top, there’s a short, but utterly mean­ing­less mes­sage about it being out of cir­cu­la­tion. So yeah. Just an FYI for ya…

Elmer Mast November 23rd, 2007

The City Hall web­site is being constructed.


Andrea November 24th, 2007

Fan­tas­tico!! :O

Kun­deremp November 26th, 2007

I love the Gotham Times..

I also won­der what if I report Rene Mon­toya for sus­pi­cious behav­ior? :p

Tip November 26th, 2007

Any­body notice the per­sonal ad cor­rec­tion from the haha­ha­times? Enlarge the 3/2 page from above, lower right cor­ner… I got this response from the email address (humanresources@​whysoserious.​com):

See you found my lit­tle mes­sage. So, do you think you have what it takes to be a part of my cir­cle of friends? Are you a back­stab­bing, self-promoting, ambi­tious clown who will do any­thing to prove your­self to me? If so, the first step of your appli­ca­tion process awaits…if you know where to look.

Is this news to any­one, or am I real behind in this cam­paign? Either way — awesome!

nerowind November 27th, 2007

I found more clues at this web­site : whysose​ri​ous​.com
sound like a hunt.

jason November 28th, 2007

the why so seri­ous clues are from the last mis­sion. its old and can be disreguarded

Drake November 30th, 2007

If you report some­one at We are The Answer, and leave your phone num­ber, some­one will call you. They’ll threaten you and tell you no one likes a squeeler.

Trygve b November 30th, 2007

Holy crap. i recieved a call from the gotham police! they left a mes­sage like they knew i had sub­mit­ted info to wearethean­swer. He said to be wary of these peo­ple were mys­ti­fied with. he said if i want to see whats realy going on to look at dicu­ment oc6551 and that i would know where to look!

Greg December 1st, 2007

Its like they are try­ing to do NIN’s Year Zero, but not as well.

Joseph December 2nd, 2007

http://​www​.gotham​girl​guides​.com has been parked by godaddy (see their ad on page 3 of the hahatimes)

Mack December 2nd, 2007

This is the same com­pany that did the Year Zero campaign.

steve December 5th, 2007

Some­ones prob­a­bly found it, but theres a web­site for the Gotham city vic­tims advo­cate pro­gram. heres the link http://​www​.gvafoun​da​tion​.org/

Jeff January 14th, 2008

On http://​www​.gotham​c​i​tyrail​.com it says that they are affil­i­ated with Gotham Cab.

You can go to gotham​cab​.com and there is a phone num­ber that you can call that allows you to leave a message.

But right before that it says that Admin­is­tra­tors should enter their PIN #‘s…

Any­one find a PIN number?

Ben April 21st, 2008

has any­one called the num­ber at http://​www​.gvafoun​da​tion​.org/ yet?

all i got was a long answer­ing machine message.

any­one know any­thing about it?

Wal­rus Films September 11th, 2008

Exec­u­tives at Warner Bros. stu­dios are re-releasing The Dark Knight next year in a bid to win the Bat­man movie an Acad­emy Award.

Read more, view the Movie Trailer and com­ment on The Dark Knight at Wal­rus Films


Lorina Mclatchy December 23rd, 2009

Cre­ate 6 press releases tar­get­ing your 3 key­word phrases, these can be dis­trib­uted to over 30 sites, one or two charge an extra few bucks, around $20 but rank very highly, the press releases can be done and opti­mized for around $50 each.For under $1000 you have cre­ated some very pow­er­ful back­links to your site, expo­sure on some very high page rank sites with your con­tent. you would have a pro­fes­sional video done. Proper key­word research done and hun­dreds orf arti­cles, press relases, videos etc all over the inter­net wait­ing for peo­ple to search those key­word phrases. Thank you for this arti­cle! I’ve just found a truly awe­some news blog about seo adver­tis­ing Try it!

China Lomu March 16th, 2010

ok but I come across this blog look­ing for totally other things. I think that this page has vis­i­bil­ity for a key­word that I’m sure doesn’t seem to be appro­pri­ate to the sub­ject you are writ­ing about in your blog

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Cur­rent Gold Price Finder March 31st, 2010

I seri­ously can’t believe it. I hope Wayne is healed for the cup!

kohls coupons April 21st, 2010

Ha, that’s actu­ally a really good sug­ges­tion. Thanks so much for this!

Jerold Pasek May 4th, 2010

Excel­lent blog you have there, thanks for shar­ing, iv book­makred you!

Lau­rie Galic May 9th, 2010

Well I think that your pub­lished con­tent is rather solid as it talks about a good deal of accu­rate infor­ma­tion. In Any Case, was curi­ous whether you would love to exchange web links with my web space, as I am look­ing for­ward to gen­er­ate more con­tacts to fur­ther amplify and reach bet­ter audi­ence for my web site. I do not mind you putting my web links at the main page, just accept­ing this web links on this par­tic­u­lar page is good and ade­quate. Also, would you be kind enough mes­sage me back at my web­site if you are inter­ested in the link exchange, I would really appre­ci­ate that. Thanks and I hope to get a reply from you as soon as possible!

Laura Simp­son May 31st, 2010

Great blog 9/10! Book­marked :)

Zach­ery Beverlin June 4th, 2010

Very good arti­cle. By the way, I was able to watch Avatar online for free. Click here to watch Avatar and also check out the other movies they have, it’s really freak­ing great!

Mimi Landy June 5th, 2010

Not sure why alexa sent me over to your blog but I must say I have been quite cap­ti­vated by the infor­ma­tion you have aggre­gated together. How long did it take to end up with this many users arriv­ing to your blog pages? I am pretty new to all this.

prostate mas­sager October 30th, 2010

It does seem that every­body is into this kind of stuff lately. Don’t really under­stand it though, but thanks for try­ing to explain it. Appre­ci­ate you shed­ding light into this matter.

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