The Why So Serious Halloween Viral Marketing Campaign has taken its next step in the most exciting of fashions. All the letters have been filled in and this picture of The Joker was revealed (click for large):

The Why So Serious Halloween Viral Marketing Campaign has taken its next step in the most exciting of fashions. All the letters have been filled in and this picture of The Joker was revealed (click for large):
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[…] 2007 « Why So Serious Halloween Hunt Rory’s Death Kiss Halloween Challenge » The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules October 31st, 2007, […]
It’s a cool new pic, ain’t it? I hope we will see more in the next days, cause I expected to see an image of Two-Face, with the pumpkin and all… fingers crossed!
Can you hear his vocal clearly?
What does he say?