Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight


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Fan made Joker defaced Oscar Poster December 7th, 2008

Nick wrote in with this excel­lent piece of Fan art show­ing an (old) Oscar poster clev­erly defaced by the Joker, cre­ated by joshmc at the Fan Art Exhibit.

DVD / Blu-ray release date and covers September 27th, 2008

Warner Bros has finally offi­cially announced that the release date for the Dark Knight on DVD and Blu-ray will be Decem­ber 9th.  Check out the cov­ers for these and the spe­cial 2-Disc Lim­ited Edi­tion set.

Fan Made “Dark Knight Returns” poster August 14th, 2008

On the scale of fan cre­ated works, this ranks very highly. Below you can find a fan’s pre­dic­tion of what the next Bat­man movie shall entail; com­bin­ing The Gotham Times, news­pa­per sto­ries and hints of The Rid­dler to cre­ate a tan­ta­liz­ing look into the future. The ques­tion mark fea­tur­ing the bat sym­bol, which played in a sim­i­lar vein as a mouth dur­ing the Why So Seri­ous cam­paign, is a nice and sub­tle touch.

Cre­ated by Chrisp85

Creepy early Joker Concept Art August 10th, 2008

The Art of The Dark Knight has been released with a full script along­side pro­duc­tion images and con­cept art.

The most inter­est­ing sec­tion in the book is the part cov­er­ing the early Joker designs — the below images illus­trate how grue­some and ter­ri­fy­ing the Joker could have been. They almost look like some­thing out of the Texas Chain­saw Mas­sacre.

Some High Resolution Joker Images August 3rd, 2008

Wow, just noticed I hadn’t posted these. Here are a cou­ple of nice n’large Joker pic­tures for you to get your teeth into. The first one makes a great wallpaper.

The Joker - here's my card

The Joker Chauffeur Scene July 25th, 2008

Dur­ing the viral mar­ket­ing cam­paign we were given this image of The Joker being chauffeured:

Chris has pointed out that this was not in the movie — maybe there are some more Joker scenes wait­ing for us on the DVD release, or a director’s cut? We can only hope. Where do you thing this would have fit into the movie?

Read the rest of this entry »

A Première Invitation July 22nd, 2008

Flickr user Peter­Punker was lucky enough to be invited to one of Th Dark Knight’s pre­mieres in Europe. He has posted some pic­tures to let us know what we are missing:

Dark Knight Costumes at ArcLight Theater July 19th, 2008

The ArcLight the­ater in Hol­ly­wood is cur­rently play­ing host to both the Joker cos­tumer and the new Bat suit, along­side some of the masks worn by The Joker’s hench­men — all on dis­play for pub­lic view­ing (any­one fancy head­ing down there and get­ting some high res­o­lu­tion shots?):

High Res­o­lu­tion

Pic­tures taken by bkh5858

Other Images

Pic­tures taken by Ablirien and Sketcher67

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