Nick wrote in with this excellent piece of Fan art showing an (old) Oscar poster cleverly defaced by the Joker, created by joshmc at the Fan Art Exhibit.
Fan made Joker defaced Oscar Poster December 7th, 2008
DVD / Blu-ray release date and covers September 27th, 2008
Warner Bros has finally officially announced that the release date for the Dark Knight on DVD and Blu-ray will be December 9th. Check out the covers for these and the special 2-Disc Limited Edition set.
Fan Made “Dark Knight Returns” poster August 14th, 2008
On the scale of fan created works, this ranks very highly. Below you can find a fan’s prediction of what the next Batman movie shall entail; combining The Gotham Times, newspaper stories and hints of The Riddler to create a tantalizing look into the future. The question mark featuring the bat symbol, which played in a similar vein as a mouth during the Why So Serious campaign, is a nice and subtle touch.
Created by Chrisp85
Creepy early Joker Concept Art August 10th, 2008
The Art of The Dark Knight has been released with a full script alongside production images and concept art.
The most interesting section in the book is the part covering the early Joker designs — the below images illustrate how gruesome and terrifying the Joker could have been. They almost look like something out of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
Some High Resolution Joker Images August 3rd, 2008
Wow, just noticed I hadn’t posted these. Here are a couple of nice n’large Joker pictures for you to get your teeth into. The first one makes a great wallpaper.
The Joker Chauffeur Scene July 25th, 2008
During the viral marketing campaign we were given this image of The Joker being chauffeured:
Chris has pointed out that this was not in the movie — maybe there are some more Joker scenes waiting for us on the DVD release, or a director’s cut? We can only hope. Where do you thing this would have fit into the movie?
A Première Invitation July 22nd, 2008
Flickr user PeterPunker was lucky enough to be invited to one of Th Dark Knight’s premieres in Europe. He has posted some pictures to let us know what we are missing:

Dark Knight Costumes at ArcLight Theater July 19th, 2008
The ArcLight theater in Hollywood is currently playing host to both the Joker costumer and the new Bat suit, alongside some of the masks worn by The Joker’s henchmen — all on display for public viewing (anyone fancy heading down there and getting some high resolution shots?):
High Resolution
Pictures taken by bkh5858

Other Images
Pictures taken by Ablirien and Sketcher67