Movie Chronicles » The Dark Knight

Fan Made “Dark Knight Returns” poster August 14th, 2008

On the scale of fan cre­ated works, this ranks very highly. Below you can find a fan’s pre­dic­tion of what the next Bat­man movie shall entail; com­bin­ing The Gotham Times, news­pa­per sto­ries and hints of The Rid­dler to cre­ate a tan­ta­liz­ing look into the future. The ques­tion mark fea­tur­ing the bat sym­bol, which played in a sim­i­lar vein as a mouth dur­ing the Why So Seri­ous cam­paign, is a nice and sub­tle touch.

Cre­ated by Chrisp85

Comments 24 Responses to “Fan Made “Dark Knight Returns” poster”

Ryan August 14th, 2008


bilal August 14th, 2008


bilal August 14th, 2008

is there are new vil­lans in bat­man begins 3 ???????????

tyler August 14th, 2008

Nice. But what about the cape cru­sader as the title? I mean that’s a cool title.

Razor Rob August 15th, 2008

Nice but looks too much like The Joker’s work. I’m hop­ing a sequeal can embody some of the type of humor that TDK had, which is why I think it was so suc­cess­ful. The 2011 release date looks accu­rate how­ever I hope it’s sooner rather than later.

Don A. August 15th, 2008

tyler: In regards to the title of next movie, I had the exact same thought as I left the the­ater. The way Bat­man rides off on the bat-pod with his cape flut­ter­ing behind him, the image just punches you right in the face: The Caped Crusader.

Per­son­ally, I think the next movie will show­case the Rid­dler as well. The Joker’s work in TDK makes for a nice segue into the Rid­dler who isn’t so much a copy cat type of crim­i­nal, but more of an exten­sion of what the Joker ini­ti­ated. Since Nolan doesn’t allow his movies to devi­ate into the car­toon­ish, the Rid­dler seems to be the only comic book vil­lain that could make an easy tran­si­tion into the real world.

Tim August 15th, 2008

I doubt they would call it The Dark Knight Returns. But it is a cool title, like the graphic novel. I could see the Rid­dler being a vil­lain. I just hope if Nolan does come back for a 3rd movie, he doesn’t lis­ten to the rumors of Cat­woman and Pen­guin should be vil­lains. But I’m still wait­ing for Two Face to return. Aaron Eck­hart (the actor who played him) has stated that he would love to return for a third film, so his char­ac­ter can’t be dead.

Tim August 15th, 2008

No one is going to call the next Bat­man movie “The Caped Cru­sader”. That is just a stu­pid title for a movie, and a Bat­man movie at that.

kun­deremp August 15th, 2008

I don’t like the idea Rid­dler as the next foe.. But I admire the poster.. I really like it!

Sonic Tooth August 16th, 2008

Did any­one notice the Vicki Vale reference?

Jesse August 16th, 2008

Tim, The Caped Cru­sader is a name for bat­man as much as The Dark Knight is, not to men­tion it goes with the tril­ogy theme more than any other. Think about it, “The night is dark­est just before the dawn…”. The dawn is com­ing in this next film, Nolan stated he will only do 3 films, a tril­ogy. That makes the next movie the last. Cru­sader comes with images of light, jus­tice, etc, so it works perfectly.

NOTE: It will not have the dark knight any­where in the title. Nolan isn’t dumb enough to call it Dark knight 2 or returns, since the dark knight was the return of bat­man already…

OJ August 16th, 2008

I like the idea to title The Caped Cruseder a pos­si­ble 3rd Bat­man movie, and i share the Jesse and Don A view point. I love that pic­ture, is great!!! i agree (or i think this pic­ture agree with me) the best way to show The Rid­dler as a real life char­ac­ter is as a genius ser­ial killer like the Zodiac.…. although would be inter­est­ing how to explain the rid­dler char­ac­ter and his moti­va­tions (or trauma).

Tim August 16th, 2008

Jesse, yes I knew that. Who doesn’t know that?? All I’m say­ing is that that title is just lame. I would be very upset if they called it that. I’m writ­ing a script right now for a third Bat­man film, but I have no title as of yet and I will not be adopt­ing The Caped Cru­sader and know­ing Chris Nolan, he won’t call it that either.

Jesse August 17th, 2008

Actu­ally, all but one of my co-workers were igno­rant of the Caped Cru­sader pseu­do­nym, so you’d be sur­prised. Sure, it isn’t the #1 title, but it could work and that’s all my point was. What­ever Nolan chooses will be the per­fect title, he’s on fire right now and his movies.

I per­son­ally believe the rid­dler could be the next best vil­lain in line for Bat­man, but I hope they don’t do it. Nolan has stated he will only do 1 more bat­man movie and those lim­i­ta­tions mean the city will have to be com­ing into the light, “the dawn is com­ing.” This will inhibit the Rid­dler from achiev­ing his pinnacle.

I believe in Chris Nolan. If he makes it, we will come.

Tim August 18th, 2008

Yeah, I think the Rid­dler could be per­fect. He’s almost like the Joker, but not as chaotic, or demented. The script I’m writ­ing for what I believe would be a cool sequel takes place about 2 weeks after TDK and has the Rid­dler con­tin­u­ing the Joker’s reign of chaos but adding his own twist with rid­dles. Bat­man is still on the run from the GCPD but still tries to work with Gor­don on the Riddler’s crime spree. But to make things dra­matic, Bruce Wayne befriends Edward Nigma while Bat­man and the Rid­dler are try­ing to fig­ure out who each other are. It’s com­plex and lengthy but the plot I’m work­ing on seems like a cool movie. There’s also the return of a par­tic­u­lar char­ac­ter in this one. It’s not hard to guess which one.

Bat­man August 18th, 2008

When I think “Caped Cru­sader”, I think Adam West, not Chris­t­ian Bale.

tyler August 19th, 2008

Okay, I’d like to thank the peo­ple who appre­ci­ated the pos­si­ble bat­man 3 title, but the fans who don’t I just got to say I really like that fans like me are brain­storm­ing ideas for titles for the next bat­man film but think about the title “the caped cru­sader.” It might sound corny but if you think about it might make sense. In the dark knight which, by the way, is the best comic book movie of 2008, it leads bat­man into a dif­fer­ent direc­tion now on the run from the police.

So, lets just say the title means “batman’s new begin­ning” (and you can brain­storm this as the title but I don’t think Chris is going to go with that title) and wait until 2011 or 2012 if the movie’s 3 hours long.

Jesse August 20th, 2008

Tim, I am not sure of whom you are refer­ring, for the return I mean. Ras Al-Ghul is out of the ques­tion, Nolan has stated that before. He doesn’t believe in using mys­tic stuff in his movies and that includes Ras’s immor­tal­ity. Scare­crow made an appear­ance and he could do it again, but minor events only, unless they revamp his char­ac­ter into a crim­i­nal; get­ting tired of the psy­cho chem­i­cal, you know? And Joker needs to be left alone.

Any­way, some­where between typ­ing Scare­crow and minor events, i real­ized who you meant. I per­son­ally believe that Two-Face is in Arkham and his memo­r­ial was a cover-up. If peo­ple believe him to be dead, his mem­ory lives on. Har­vey him­self would care lit­tle for play­ing along with their cover-up. He would be amaz­ing as the side vil­lain or main vil­lain for #3.

The ONLY prob­lem I see is the famil­iar­iza­tion with Bat­man For­ever… Two-Face and Rid­dler (assum­ing Rid­dler of course).

Rid­dler can be as evil as Joker, just not as per­son­ally vio­lent. He does things exactly like the “social exper­i­ment” with the ferry’s, but more often vio­lent like saw. He just makes sure to make the puz­zles and leaves clues. His whole deal is about fame and for­tune; no use being so clever if nobody can appre­ci­ate it. Plus, with know­ing Bruce’s Iden­tity and bat­man being hunted, He could make for some real Gotham trou­ble. Pic­ture Bruce behind bars. (remem­ber that this will be Nolan’s last bat­man movie, so bat­man COULD be exposed as well.)

Batgirl567 August 28th, 2008

Johnathon Nolan just said recently that Cat­woman and Pen­guin are definently OUT. “…I dis­agree com­pletely.” In his own words. Darn it! I wanted to see the Cat have a come­back. Either way, Bat­man needs a love inter­est in this one.

Batgirl567 August 28th, 2008

oh yeah– what do you guys think of Mike Engel as the rid­dler? We barely got to see him in TDK, and he’s already obses­sivly against Bat­man. Thoughts?

OYD November 25th, 2008

you guys are such dorks lol

Fmoore April 5th, 2009

I Think the next film should be called the Dark Knights revenge or Bat­mans Revenge because the joker did ruin the bats life.
The next film should have him try­ing to earn the peo­ple of Gothams respect again.

Fla­caS­tar September 5th, 2009

iRE­Ally liKE y0UR iDEAz 4 dA TiTlE
CAU$ze HE WANtz 2 EARN dA RE$zpECt AqAin

& hEz dA dARk kNiqHt

& h0W dA PE0plE WANtz kN0W WH0z DA CApEd CRU$zAdEr

iqREW Up WiT BAt­MAn M0ViEz & il0VE bAt­MAN $z0 MUch
nd BAtz Are My BiqqE$t FEAr
iD0N’t $0UNd C0RNy BUt yEAhh
& 4REAlz My liFE iz liKE BAtMAn ;]

Lars September 9th, 2009

Seen bet­ter